I thought maybe this could be a December tradition - sort of like a pre-emptive "Matchbox Hanukkah" only lasting 16 days because, well, I have 15 cars to give and one of his old cars ended up in the secret bag I'm keeping the newer models.
Each morning I present to him a new car and tell him all about it, and then introduce it to the other cars and car-size toys. Disney charges a hell of a lot for their "Cars" brand cars, so I'm sticking to the $.97 per car Matchboxes - or Hot Wheels.
When he's old enough I plan on learning all the parts of the engine with him. If he follows my model, he'll start with cars, then action figures, and then writing, and forget all about cars until he's 16 and needs to know how to drive and what "Regular Unleaded" means.
Already he's filled 4 large pads and journals with drawings, and none of the drawings are cars. But maybe by the time our dye-cast model car December Tradition is done he'll be outlining carburetors and fuel lines and asking me about our 6valve vs. VTech. We'll see. Vroom vroom.
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