Saturday, December 26, 2009

How To Argue (on Facebook).

As someone who loves a good conversation or debate, I'm often found in the middle of an all out political brawl, and usually on Facebook. Seriously, we're talking 100-deep comments on one thread alone, usually between a conservative or Libertarian fundamentalist Puritan, his three friends, and me. And sometimes there's another Liberal as well, but usually the "other Liberal" packs it in early while I make the mistake of arguing way past any sane limit of time and letting it ruin my thinking life for the morning.

So here are some ground rules. When arguing:

1. Don't ever insult. It just angers your enemy and makes them think they've won because when we become defensive we think we're safe from being wrong for some reason. 

2. Don't be sarcastic. It comes off as anti-thetical, silly, and can even sound insulting, especially online where tone is hard to "hear."

3. Check your motives. Are you arguing because you want to be right or because you want someone to know you're right? Is it worth possibly alienating a friend or even looking stupid over? Even among the most closely aligned fundamentalists you have slight heretics.

4. Be right. That means take it seriously...check and recheck your facts and philosophy. There must be no room for error or bad logic! Philosophies' lives hang in the balance! Remember, it's all about getting the right answer and discovering the real Truth (whatever it is). And remember: you could be wrong

5. Avoid God and Abortion arguments. Fundamentalists on either side of any issue will just get mad when butting faces on Mybook and Facespace. And usually both sides think they're right and get real huffy and sarcastic. GUARANTEED you'll get to a point where both sides say "there's no evidence on your side so whey are you arguing" and then someone will bring up Hitler and genocide, and the fun mood will be lost. It never ends or builds up either side or argument. Sometimes it's fun, but in the end no one grows or learns. 

That's a start! And If you're interested in the right opinions, just ask me! I'm right about everything and will go to great lengths to prove it! :)

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